The SELL OFF and the RIP-0FF
The great british sell off
The reasons why? The unemployment caused . The vast sums of money made .
Should we blame ourselves ?
Foreign corporations also currently control 39 per cent of UK patents. This is far more than the percentage of foreign-owned patents in the U.S. (11.8), Japan (3.7) or even the European Union as a whole (13.7). It’s been said that at this rate, we will all soon be working for foreign companies.
Throughout the boom years, the banks were enabled to write their own rules., where a bank which might once have considered it risky to lend ten times its share capital would now lend up to four times that amount. The outcome of this madness is that foreign companies took full advantage of the proliferation of available cheap and easy credit to snap up increasing numbers of great British brands. Furthermore, our eccentric tax system made it more profitable for overseas owners to buy companies with borrowed money. Again, a British fiscal policy of the short sighted or the blind.
did anyone object ?
Company after Company was auctioned off — including Jaguar Rover (to India), Asda (to the U.S.), MG Rover (to China), P&O Ports (to Dubai), the British Airports Authority (to Spain), Corus (formerly British Steel, to India), British Energy (to France), and lottery operator Camelot (to Canada).
No matter whether the buyer was a foreign company or a private-equity fund, if the price was good enough, shareholders and directors took the money and ran. As firms fell like ninepins around them, canny chief executives demanded new clauses in their contracts that guaranteed the equivalent of lottery wins if their firms were taken over, by insisting that their share options — usually paid out only after a number of years — and which could instantly be converted to cash.
Quotes for thought " It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped !". (Tony Robbins) - "In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing. (Theodore Roosevelt)
Did we care ?
We were misled into believing that our long term future was safe. We cared but the policy makers disregarded those who voted them into office.
did anyone listen ?
British workers in general are one of the laziest workers in the world, who spend production time checking social media or slipping away for cups of tea with a study suggesting that the younger generation is the most easily distracted. Research suggests that British employees waste three hours of every shift and only half of the normal working day is productive and it is unquestionably the position that increase in productivity would lead to effective efficiencies and help restore our position within the wider global economy, of which there are a total of 195 countiries and UK statistics rank US 5th in idleness . A shocking statistic of which we should all be ashamed..
The British legal system is increasingly geared to the demands of the wealthy, who can afford to employ legal representation regardless of cost and who are frequently paid fees to repeat falsities and renumerated whether a dispute is won or lost. Not so for the average citizen, left to flounder in a sea of outdated rules and protocols,understood only by the legal profession they cannot themselves afford to engage and as a second class for whom justice has become an eroded principle, alongside our near decimated freedom of speech, thrown away in the name of political correctness and the pandering to foreiegn customs and religions that are alian to what is so far remains our threatended majority. Welcome to all but permit us our long earned values and our identity that should be supported by our justice system.