Have Your Say
Control over your destiny
"Think" Do you want a not so British Britain to work for a foreign Company with a predetermined course of events beyond your power or control.
The iron Dictator
You will have privatisation if you want it or not, we will axe our railway system no matter what you say ,I will make the rich richer and the poor to be used as a tool. It was her words that stick in the mind "you will have freedom of choice and not a monopoly" bold words never translated into effected policy. Let us consider what is now British Telecom
Once Post office Telecommunications. A publicly owned enterprise everyone in Britain paid for, including the the lines and exchanges. Thatcher privitised it and our assets were sold off as a form of theft. or sequestration . Now we are paying British telecom Money for the line rental of something we previously owned.
At the Time of her RULE there was strife with minors strikes and other Trade Union related disturbances. She did not have the sense or will to sort it out so privatised it so as with clean hands, to lay blame for any failures upon the new ownership, an exit policy that laid the foundations for subsequent similar deals.
Ironic though it is, Harry Brearley, the inventor of STAINLESS STEEL, would hardly believe that we no longer have the steel industry we gave to the world at large. Sadly, the Chinese steel industry is more efficient but despite the excuses, this has never been all about cheap labour but a reward based upon workers that work, strategic investment and expertise in sales. The British industry machinery out-dated and employs four times the labour force to make the same amount of steel as the Chinese, where Companies here will not invest in the future and prefer to skim the profits to add to their already accrued billions. In short, we longer no control any significant assets, solely as a consequqnce of short-term nataional policies.
We can not fish in our own waters. Teachers are not just told what to teach but how to teach it. What kind of country accepts laws we do not want, given by WHO unelected people The Goverment said leave Europe and we can have security problems . That shows how little they know about Britain someone should tell them it is an Island. Three ways in Air , Sea and Rail . If we can not protect that, It is time to give up completely..