UK corporate scalps
· Hanson, the building materials group, bought by Heidelberg Cement of Germany in 2007 for £8bn
· Scottish Power, sold to Iberdrola of Spain in 2006 for £11.6bn
· P&O, bought by Dubai Ports World for £3.9bn in 2006, defeating rival bidder Temasek of Singapore
· BOC, industrial gases group, sold to Linde of Germany in 2006 for £8.2bn
· 02, the mobile phone operator, went to Telefonica of Spain in 2005 for £17.7bn
· Manchester United, bought by the US's Glazer family, backed by JP Morgan bank, in 2005 for £800m
· PowerGen, electricity group, sold to Eon of Germany for £5bn in 2002
· Blue Circle Industries, the cement maker, was taken over by Lafarge of France in 2001 for £3bn
· Thames Water was sold first to RWE of Germany in 2000 for £4.3bn, then to Macquarie of Australia in 2007, for £8bn
Did you Know
UK Export trade agreements
UK Border controls and immigratio
UK Foreign Affairs
UK Economic Affairs
UK Justice
UK Energy
UK Social Affairs
UK Agriculture and Fisheries
UK Law Enforcement and Police
UK Public Heath
UK Transport
UK Employment
UK Environment
ASK yourself why do we have a UK Government. Do we need them ?
A fact we can do somethng about Staff lateness 'costs the economy £9 billion every year' The study found an average of 590,000 workers in the UK show up late every day.
Each late employee loses an average of 97 minutes per month which costs British employers £305 per head every year, it added. to a total of £9 billion.
Now consider each time you do not work for just 10 minutes in a day you can more than double the figure to in excess of £18 billion every year .
Is this going to help us survive as a nation ?
The EU costs Britain tens of millions per day, and that’s just the membership fee. The cost of EU red tape to British business is £120 billion per year, a sum better invested in the creation of a better BRITAIN, rather than contributing to other nations and the dictatorship of Europe.
We are in a crisis with the NHS . Our government gives a fuirther 11 billion a year away, all monies needed to support our own failing economy, in perspctive is the equivilent of building THREE fully staffed Hospitals every single day.